Ceramic Coating & Paint Correction

Bonding at the molecular level, XPEL Fusion Plus Coating protects surfaces from UV rays, resists light scratching, and makes cleaning easy with industry leading hydrophobic properties

Our Ceramic Coating Process

Our process starts with a consultation of your vehicle, car care habits, and concerns about your paint.  

We use specialized coatings for each surface, ensuring that your car gets the best treatment in the industry.  Our specific coatings retain the self-healing properties of your clear bra, add scratch-resistance to your paint, and can even protect interior surfaces, such as leather seats and dashboards!  

Whether it’s a summer toy or a daily driver, the ceramic coating process can help protect your vehicle from all road conditions. 

Every step is important

1. Clean & Decontaminate

After assessing your paint, we begin the process of decontamination and cleaning.  This involves removing what between us and your paint. Full iron removal, undercarriage wash, clay bar, and removal of any remaining waxes or sealants. With all the dirt, grit, and grime gone, we can get a clear view of the condition of your paint and begin the extensive paint correction process.

Blemish removal

2. Paint Correction & Polishing

This is where the magic happens.  Using multiple steps and compounds, we begin buffing and polishing your paint.  While a new car may come "detailed" from the dealership, they use fillers and silicone in their polishing which only mask the problems instead of fixing them. Our silicone and filler-free process ensures that the final finish is the paint only. Once your paint is free of swirls and blemishes we move to the preservation process.


3. Ceramic Coating Application

Once we have your car looking its best, our Ceramic Coating application keeps it looking this way for years, not months.  Applied over your polished paint, the coating encapsulates it with an added barrier of protection. Our professional ceramic coating will require less maintenance and provide easy washing for your vehicle.

Extreme Gloss

Increase color depth, leaving paint or PPF with a smooth and slick finish

Ceramic Coating MN

UV Protection

Formulated to protect against damaging UV rays, oxidation, insect acids, corrosion, and contaminants.

Porsche Ceramic Coating


The hydrophobic properties of Ceramic Coating create the beading water look you see above. This process keeps your car clean for years, not months like a wax or sealant!

Twin Cities Ceramic Coating

Easy To Clean

Bugs stuck on? Tires on your paint from the track? Brake dust built up? Ceramic Coating makes everything easier to clean, all while protecting your paint and clear coat underneath!


Ultimate Protection

Ceramic Coating adds to the protection of your vehicle, and can even be applied over clear bra or paint protection film!

Paint Protection Film Installation